AIDA (acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action) is an advertising effect model that identifies the various stages in a customer’s journey. It is a popular marketing model, especially for the digital medium.
One of the best known classic marketing models, AIDA traces journey of a customer through Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action.
Stages of the AIDA model:
Awareness: Focus on grabbing attention of consumers by using advertising materials.
Interest: Once the company has the attention of the prospective customer, the prospects need to be fed with more information about the various products to arouse interest – how big is the collection, latest themes, how it improves the experience, reasonable pricing, and so on.
Desire: Persuade the customer as to why he/she needs the product. Entice the customers by focusing on limited availability, deals and discounts.
Action: Get the consumer to take an action – buy the product, or join email newsletter, or download catalogue, or like the social media page (or leave a comment).
Lamb, C., Hair, J. and McDaniel, C., 2012. Essentials of marketing. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.
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