Best Marketing and Marketing Planning Books, Journals and Resources
Best Marketing Books
Here are the best books on marketing.
Baines, P., Fill, C. and Rosengren, S., 2017. Marketing. Oxford University Press.
Baran, Roger J., and Robert J. Galka. (2013) CRM : The Foundation of Contemporary Marketing Strategy, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013.
Brassington F. Essentials of Marketing /. 3rd ed. (Pettitt S, ed.). Pearson; 2013. Blythe J. Marketing /. SAGE; 2006.
Dibb. Marketing Concepts and Strategies. Seventh. Cengage Learning EMEA; 2016.
Jobber D. Principles and Practice of Marketing. Eighth edition /. (Ellis-Chadwick F, ed.). McGraw-Hill Education,; 2016.
Kotler, Philip, and Kevin Kelle (2015). Marketing Management EBook, Global Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Principles of Marketing (Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong). Pearson Prentice Hall.
CRM: the foundation of contemporary marketing strategy. Baran, Roger J.Galka, Robert J.,London :Routledge2013.
Value-based Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Corporate Growth and Shareholder Value Doyle, Peter2. Aufl.New York Wiley 2008
Marketing Metrics: The Manager’s Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance, Third Edition Neil Bendle ; Paul Farris ; Phillip E. Pfeifer ; David J. Reibstein Pearson
Best Marketing Planning Books
Here are the best books on marketing planning.
Wood, Marian Burk. Essential Guide to Marketing Planning, Pearson Education. First published 2007. Second edition published 2010
The marketing plan handbook by Wood, Marian Burk. Publisher: Pearson
Global marketing by Hollensen, Svend. Pearson
Marketing plans [electronic resource] : how to prepare them, how to use them by McDonald, Malcolm. Publisher Wiley
Malcolm McDonald on marketing planning : understanding marketing plans and strategy. Publisher Kogan Page.
Strategic marketing management : planning, implementation and control by Wilson, R. M. S. Publisher Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann
Strategic marketing : planning and control by Drummond, Graeme. Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Strategic marketing planning by Gilligan, Colin. Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
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